Friday, 21 September 2012

Make A Choice Foundation

Stop complicating it. There are only two rules that hold true in life.
Number one.Life is a series of choices.
You can choose to take a beating and move forward or sit in a corner crying about it.
You can learn to face your goliath or slip away quietly into the night hoping that noone sees you.
You can choose to take a learning or you can choose to blame.
You can choose to lend a hand or choose to walk past the chaos.

Let those choices be guided by conviction. Anything else will lead to choices you regret

It is this rule of choice which leads me to the second decree of life.
Number two.You are the sum of all those choices. Mystery solved.
That is who you are. You are not a separate entity with your experiences and feelings in a bag, slung across your weary shoulders.
Your choices are you. Get used to it. Or make a choice, and change it.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

The Dilemma before Dawn

Awoken by a strange phone call in the middle of the night, our bleary eyed, slightly inebriated protagonist lounged in front of the television, allowing the idiocracy of the world he lives in to muddle his mind. As the last battalion of his sanity charged  towards their most certain death, he came to grips with a reality that was  hidden in the dark recesses of his mind. In this game of chess called life, he was both a player and a piece.  And though the oracle of fate is every mans vane, in his case it was love. He was a pawn with those he loved, to be moved as pleased, for he never imposed on their will, misguided by principles of honor, freedom and trust. But with those outside that circle, he played the game. Sometimes he won, sometimes he lost. But with each win and defeat, he only grew stronger, more resilient, more determined. And this is wherein the dilemma lies. The crux of this story, lies entangled in the collision of these two worlds. One the pawn. One the player. One the pawn. One the player.

As dawn broke, our deluded protagonist, closed his eyes with a comforting thought, "It takes more courage to be a pawn than a player. In the game of pawns, we lose the ones we love. In the game of players, we only lose to win again some day. Be a pawn, and be loved forever. Be the player, and live forever. The player finds strength in the pawn, and the pawn the player" 

As the insanity ebbed out of his tired frame, the pawn and the player both found their peace.