Monday, 15 October 2012

Of gods by men

It is possible that every man has a limit to his intelligence.
Let us assume a man of limitless knowledge and wisdom. I would like to call that person god.
All the religions do it, so I take that liberty in this post.
If a common man has a reasonable amount of intelligence, and those that scream eureka when their hind side hits a tub of water, have an above reasonable amount of intelligence, the difference between gods and men is a simple matter of limits.
It has been observed that the intellectual giants of old, when faced with a dilemma that lay outside their intellectual capacity, have attributed their unsolvable mystery to the existence of a mystical being who keeps it all together.
 And it is more interesting to note, that a century later, another intellectual giant solves the problem, and in his course of research comes across another apparently unsolvable problem, which he again attributes to our very own mystical all knowing being.
It has happened with Newton, it has happened with Darwin, it has happened with Laplace.
So I can conclude that a god is born each time a man reaches his limits. God is a creation of men’s arrogance. An arrogance that makes men believe that if they cannot come up with an answer, then the answer can only be explained by the existence of the unknown.
It reasonably explains why every religion expounds the virtues of humility. A subconscious discrete effort to remind man that it is not the end of the road, keep trying.

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