Thursday, 18 July 2013

And the winners are: The Bright Stars

In my journey of life, I have had many a "speechless" moment. By nature, I'm not much of a talker. But my mind; it's like the Indian parliament. No one can agree on any thing, everyone has something to say and I often find myself looking ,violently, at a chair.

Last month the voices in my head went absolutely quiet. I was faced with a situation that dropped me right in the middle of an existential crisis with a question mark for a life boat.

Let me begin with an insight into the situation.

More than a year back, I was introduced to a bunch of kids from a local children's home, aptly named the Bright Star House. When it comes to kids, I have one important philosophy. Take them to the zoo. If you haven't been to the zoo, you have been deprived of a happy childhood.

So the ever-enthusiastic Jar Heads and the Brightstars (sounds like a band), made a day of the same. We zoo-ed it and followed it up by an enthusiastic lunch. There was dancing and eating and laughing and presents and cake and more cake. We parted ways with promises to meet again and keep in touch.

I'll be honest. I didn't. I never went out to meet them. I never gave them a call. I inquired about them, but I didn't end up seeing them for a long time.

It's not that I didn't want to. But finding extended hours in a day became a task. And the guilt of an unkept promise began to plague me.

However,come the monsoons and a dear friend suggested that we take the Bright stars camping.

I was worried. I made so many promises to them the last time, but I never managed to pull off a single one. I began to create huge excuses and interventions to deal with the hostility I was about to face. My MMP (Members of my Mind Parliament) started throwing around words like accountability, responsibilities, earning bread and butter, and in time I was ready. There is no way they would make me feel guilty.

Come the fateful day, I stepped down from the bus, marched down to the house, and the first of the imps walked down the stairs. I was ready for them. I was the lone gun slinger. Finger on the trigger. Waiting for the first move.

And then the most confounded thing happened. They hugged me.

Not those polite "bro" hugs, but a full-fledged, "you are so awesome" hug. And, the "speechlessness" began.

We are all experts of human behavior. We 'know' how people behave and its a 'dog-eat-dog-world'. If you're not looking out for yourself, the world will suck your soul away.

Sorry mate, we got it wrong. At least, I did.

If you believe that world is a cold and miserable place, so will be your life. If you believe that the world is an awesome and generous place, so will be your life.

Take a lesson from the Bright Stars. Their spirit is indomitable. They haven't had the best of cards handed to them, but they still end up taking the pot (please excuse the poker metaphors). No bluffing, no power play, just a game of love, rooted in a strong belief that the world is a beautiful place. And I guarantee you, they will always win. Because, they win DIFFERENTLY.

For them, winning means, everyone had a good time. For them, winning means, that they had a huge laugh, sang a fun song, and danced. For them, winning is co-operating. For them, winning is that they learned something new. For them, winning is making sure that everyone ate heartily.

I came back from this camp a wiser man. I went thinking I would be a mentor to the kids, but the tables were turned and the teacher became the student.

The greatest honour in my life would be the day I join their league. The day I become a Brightstar. And till that day, I trudge on.

For more information on the Bright Star Kids, please link to the facebook page: Bright Star Kids @ facebook

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